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Volunteerism is at the heart of synagogue life, and here at Temple of the High Country, our volunteers help to foster a flourishing and vibrant community. Volunteering also enables members to share their skills, interests, creativity and talents with our larger community. We invite you to get involved. Attend a meeting, work behind the scenes to plan events, join a committee, think about becoming a board member or help us with a project. Volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways to become engaged in our community. Please look at the list of Volunteer Opportunities and check each one that interests you. The Committee Chair will be in touch.
When you make your congregational commitment, please be as supportive as possible. You will be fulfilling not only your own religious, social and cultural needs, but those same needs for others in your community.
Membership contributions are payable at the beginning of June (either paid in full or with arrangements to pay quarterly or monthly). Contributions for new members joining later in the year may be prorated.
I/we commit to become members of The Temple of the High Country, including the financial commitments as described above, and support the purpose of the Temple: to worship God in accordance with the faith of Judaism; to cultivate a love and understanding of the Jewish heritage; to foster fellowship in the Jewish community and within the greater community of the High Country, to strengthen the bonds of loyalty with the Jewish people everywhere; to bring nearer the Holiness of God through acts of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and G'milut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness).
Please complete this application by typing in your full name below, which will act as your signature. All answers will be kept in strict confidence.
Tue, January 28 2025 28 Tevet 5785