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ToTHC 2024-25 New Membership Application

to the Temple of the High Country

Our Congregation is committed to stand together to secure our shared future, both of our synagogue and our people. We are dedicated to the importance of Judaism, providing children with a Jewish education, celebrating meaningful moments in your life, mourning the passing of a loved one, or simply embracing the spirituality and traditions that are at the heart of Judaism.

There are so many ways to connect and engage at the Temple of the High Country.  Our weekly Shabbat services and Onegs are vibrant and joyful, and our holiday celebrations are so much fun. 
Our Sisterhood is a growing, strong, and an integral part of our temple community.  Women of all ages join together for educational, spiritual and social activities including mahjong!  We work diligently in the areas of social justice, community building with all faiths, ASU’s Center for Judaic, Holocaust, & Peace Studies and Hillel & AEPi, and we provide loving support to our members through the Caring Community Fund volunteers. The mission of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is beautifully undertaken by The Army of Love, as we gather monthly to prepare meals for the hungry and homeless in our High Country community.  

We welcome you to all of these activities and so much more!

Please complete this form to the best of your ability. It will take you approximately 15 minutes.  All information will be maintained at Temple of the High Country and treated confidentially. If you have any questions, contact our Executive Administrator, Cylis Wilson, at:  (828) 266-9777 or


Member 1 (adult)
Member 2 (adult)
Please let us know If you wish to disclose your preferred pronouns.
Please let us know If you wish to disclose your preferred pronouns.
Please list any title you wish included in correspondence.
Please list any title you wish included in correspondence.
Approximately what months do you live at this secondary address:

Children 26 and under are included in your membership.

You may use the "+" buttons below to add as many children and/or adults living your household as you need.
Skip this section if it is not applicable.
Add a Child
Child's first name
Child's last name
If you/your child wish to inform of us their gender identity, please do so.
If you/your child wish to inform of us their preferred pronouns, please do so.
If your child has had a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, please share the date.
If you know the name of the portion that your child read for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, please share it here.
Add an additional adult living in your household
of the adult in your household.
of the adult in your household.
If this person wishes to inform of us their gender identity, please do so.
If  this person wishes to inform of us their preferred pronouns, please do so.
How are they related to you?
If applicable.
Member 1 (adult)
Member 2 (adult)


YARZHEITS  (The yearly anniversary of a loved one's death)
Please provide the information about the loved ones you would like to remember each year. You will receive notification so you can attend Shabbat services to say Kaddish (memorial prayer) when the name of your loved one is read.
You may use the "+" button below to add as many Yahrzeits as you wish to observe or skip this section if it is not applicable.
Add a Yahrzeit
of the deceased.
of the deceased.

Relatives who are members of the Congregation
Use the "+" sign to list as many connections as you would like.
Add a Relative
of your relative that is a member of our congregation
of your relative that is a member of our congregation
Please describe your relationship to the member of our congregation (ie:  Parent, Grandparent, Sibling, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, Cousin, etc.)
Friends who are members of the Congregation

To help us better understand where you are on your Jewish journey, please share with us as much about your background as you are comfortable.
Member 1 (adult)
Member 2 (adult)
If yes, please tell us about the other synagogue where you belong:
Name of Synagogue:
City and State in which it is located


It is important to us to interact with you only in welcome and meaningful ways.  Please help us to understand how and when you would like to recieve communications from us.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Whom would you like us to contact in the event of an emergency during any Temple related activity?


After many years without a home of our own our congregation established The Temple of the High Country.  The temple is a gem that serves as a sacred space for worship, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, Jewish learning experiences and holiday and social gatherings.  Throughout the year, we plan meaningful religious experiences, thought provoking programs and joyous communal celebrations.  Our membership is diverse bringing together people of various Jewish backgrounds, Interfaith couples, singles, families, senior adults, Appalachian State University and Lees-McRae College students, and LGBTQ members of our High-Country community.

We hope you think about the ways in which you will engage in the many programs and spiritual experiences we offer.  

Unlike many synagogues with a specific dues structure, we ask that each household make a voluntary commitment which enables us to have a full-time spiritual leader and our own Jewish house of worship and assembly.  We are the ONLY synagogue in the High Country!  As we continue to grow, we must ensure that Temple of the High Country is viable and financially secure.   

As a point of reference, if our budget were divided evenly among all households, an $1,800 annual contribution per household would cover our operational costs.

Membership contributions support many Temple activities such as:

  • Religious education (youth and adult)
  • Resources connecting us with the Union for Reform Judaism
  • Operational expenses (building, utility, and personnel expenses)
  • Programs and services

When you make your congregational commitment, please be as supportive as possible.  You will be fulfilling not only your own religious, social and cultural needs, but those same needs for others in your community.  

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? 
And being only for myself, what am I? 
         And if not now, when?”

Membership contributions are payable at the beginning of June (either paid in full or with arrangements to pay quarterly or monthly). Contributions for new members joining later in the year may be prorated. 

If you have questions or would like assistance in determining your congregational commitment,
please reach out to Cylis Wilson, Executive Administrator, at:   ‭
(828) 266-9777‬ or

Members make two financial commitments, one for an annual membership contribution and the other for a $100 yearly mandatory security fee.  This yearly fee helps to defray the costs for keeping our building and our congregants safe. 


Please consider making additional donations to the areas of temple life that you are passionate about and would like to further support.

Please check the boxes for the areas in which you would like to make a voluntary contribution.
Help support the programs you are most passionate about with voluntary donations.  (Choose as many as you would like.)

The total of  my/our Congregational Commitment for this year including membership, security, and other voluntary contributions

Please consider joining Sisterhood

Sisterhood is about connections, finding common interests, and working with other women to create a sense of community that matters.  Whether you enjoy mah jongg, book discussions, interesting day trips, or participating in social action activities and learning experiences, Sisterhood empowers a diverse group of women of varying ages and backgrounds to observe and promote Jewish values and traditions, while enjoying warmth and friendship in the process.

Sisterhood Membership is separate from Temple membership. The application form and submission instructions can be found here.

Please register for your complimentary High Holy Day Tickets

Kindly complete this ticket request:

Submission and Billing

Upon hitting the submit button below, you will be directed to a confirmation page, and your information will be forwarded to our membership committee and administrative staff for processing.

Once your form has been processed you will receive an email which includes log in information for your new ShulCloud account. From there you will be able to manage your information and interact with the Temple in many ways, including choosing your preferred method of payment.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email our Executive Administrator, Cylis Wilson at:


Please complete this application by typing in your full name below, which will act as your signature. All answers will be kept in strict confidence.

I/we commit to become members of The Temple of the High Country, including the financial commitments as described above, and support the purpose of the Temple: to worship God in accordance with the faith of Judaism; to cultivate a love and understanding of the Jewish heritage; to foster fellowship in the Jewish community and within the greater community of the High Country, to strengthen the bonds of loyalty with the Jewish people everywhere; to bring nearer the Holiness of God through acts of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and G'milut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness).
Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785